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Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Ryan Clagett

When we flash a confident grin, we want everyone to see our beautiful, white, perfectly shaped teeth. One of the biggest hindrances to a healthy, balanced smile is having excessive gum tissue. A “gummy” smile can cause the teeth to look too small, compromising your entire appearance. Gum contouring can remedy this issue, allowing you to smile with confidence.

Using Gum Contouring to Address a Gummy Smile

Having a gummy smile is undesirable for many reasons, not least the fact that it makes your teeth look disproportionately small. In fact, a gummy smile can give the impression that your teeth are prematurely worn down, even if they are actually quite healthy.

Gum contouring can address these concerns by carefully removing excess gum tissue, revealing more of your beautiful teeth. When performed by a skilled periodontist with an aesthetic eye, gum contouring can rebalance your smile, ensuring it is neither gummy nor toothy.

Removing gum tissue is a delicate process, as removing too much can affect your periodontal health. That is why a board-certified periodontist like Dr. Clagett of Derby City Dental Specialists is the ideal choice for gum contouring. By ensuring that only the excess tissue is removed, he can protect the integrity of your smile.

Schedule a Gum Contouring Consultation

Ready to address your gummy smile? Explore your options for gum contouring in Louisville, KY. Learn more about the procedure and how Derby City Dental Specialists can help you have a more beautiful smile.

Who Are We?

Derby City Dental Specialists strives to provide the latest best practices and advanced techniques for placing dental implants and treating periodontal disease while aligning care with each patient’s specific needs and goals in a relaxed, comfortable environment.

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What Problem Do We Solve for Our Patients?

Through implant dentistry and diverse gum treatments, we can replace missing teeth, stop the spread of gum disease, and create a healthier, stronger, natural-looking smile. Smile makeovers can correct imperfections and improve overall comfort and confidence.

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How We Solve These Problems for Our Patients

Dr. Clagett consults with each patient to understand their concerns and goals, then develops a customized treatment plan to achieve desired results. His extensive training in the field enables him to deliver innovative care.

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