New Patient Form PATIENT INFORMATION First Name Middle Initial Last Name Date of Birth SSN Email Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone Address Preferred method of contact: Home PhoneWork PhoneCell PhoneEmail How did you hear about us? Social Media Online Dentist Friend Other (please list below) Who should we thank for referring you to our office and what are we seeing you for? In an emergency, who should be notified? Please list their name(s) and phone number(s): RESPONSIBLE PARTY INFORMATION Who is responsible for this account? Self Spouse Parent Other First Name Middle Initial Last Name Date of Birth SSN Email Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone Address Please take a moment to inform us of your medical history and your dental history so we may care for you more effectively and in such a way that accommodates your overall health and well-being. INSURANCE INFORMATION Please take a moment to inform us of your medical history and your dental history so we may care for you more effectively and in such a way that accommodates your overall health and well-being. Do you have dental benefits? Yes No Employer: Patients relationship to insured: Name of Insured: Date of Birth: Insured SSN: Insurance plan name: Phone Number: Insurance Phone Number: Member ID: Group ID: DENTAL HISTORY Please take a moment to inform us of your medical and dental history so that we may care for you more effectively and in such a way that accommodates your overall health and well-being. Reason for visit? When was your last dental cleaning? Frequency: How often do you brush your teeth? How often do you floss? Who is your general dentist? When did you last see them? Are you in discomfort? Yes No Are any of your teeth sensitive? Yes No Do your gums bleed or hurt? Yes No Are you satisfied with your teeth's appearance? Yes No Are there any dental concerns that you feel Dr. Clagett should be made aware of? MEDICAL HISTORY Who is your Physician? Last physical exam: Pharmacy name: Pharmacy address: Pharmacy phone number: Are you currently seeing any medical specialists? Yes No If yes, please list their name and specialty: Do you smoke or use smokeless tobacco (including e-cigarettes)?) Yes No If yes, how frequently? Have you had a joint or heart valve replacement? Yes No Have you been prescribed antibiotic premedication? (if yes, please take as prescribed prior to your exam) Yes No Do you use a CPAP? Yes No Do you have any drug allergies? Yes No If yes, please list all drug allergies: Have you had cancer? Yes No If yes, please list the type of cancer: Heart attack/stroke: Yes No Autoimmune disease: Yes No Heart surgery: Yes No Pacemaker/defibrillator: Yes No Do you take or have you taken bisphosphonates? Yes No If yes, drug and dosage? Do you take blood thinners? Yes No If yes, drug and dosage? Are you pregnant? Yes No Are there any other medical conditions that you have that were not listed? Have you taken any medication in the last 12 months? Yes No Medication name: Dosage: Reason for taking: Medication name: Dosage: Reason for taking: Medication name: Dosage: Reason for taking: Please list any additional medications, dosage, and reason for taking: Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.